A Tale of Two Villages
A Tale of Two Villages

After my excursion to Far East Russia I worked in Kenya and Tanzania with Spanish journalist Jorge Valero on a story funded by the Bill Gates Foundation.
The project is about the key principles for success in development policies in some of the poorest areas of Africa. Its goal is to compare the traditional top down approach represented by big projects such as the fish factory at Lake Turkana in Kenya, with the empowerment of the community through smaller bottom up innovations like the eco-village Chololo in Tanzania.

A Tale of Two Viallges is currently exhibited at La Casa de la Imagen, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. 
October 26 - November 26, 2013

Afterwards the exhibition travels to:
Centro Riojano in Madrid, Spain - Opening December 11, 2013

The Committee of Regions in Brussels, Belgium - Opening January 13, 2015


Saraphina Haruna William is the daughter of one of the most involved women in the Chololo Ecovillage project in Tanzania, funded by the European Union. Thanks to that, during the last two years, their family has experienced a substantial improvement of their life conditions.

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